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5 Jul 2016

When the Volume is at Eleven

It’s a Saturday night at your local church hall and the much anticipated music group has set up and is playing with gusto some of the songs that you know so well. The kids are having a good time too as the music fills the room. The following day


5 Jul 2016

An Expensive Way to Save Thirty Seconds

Do you recognize this scenario? The nearest step ladder is in another room or inaccessible part of the building and your chair is right there, enticingly convenient and looking pretty sturdy. Maybe it’s a swivel chair, or your grandma’s teak dining chair, maybe even your kid’s Ikea seat and


5 Jul 2016

The Principal at Stake

In 2014, Dr Mark Thompson, a school principal for the Victorian public school system sadly took his own life. He was experiencing high levels of stress, burnout and abuse. It is heartbreaking to think that something like this could happen, and perhaps we may see Adventist Education as being


5 Jul 2016

See You Later!

We’ve all been there. At the other end of the line to a very unhappy customer. In the workplace, you will encounter dissatisfied people from time to time and it can be stressful and unsettling. Dealing with difficult people is a job demand that requires a greater level of


5 Jul 2016

Outdoor Gas Heaters Inside? You Must be Kidding!

Using outdoor gas heaters indoors is dangerous and potentially fatal. The use of outdoor patio heaters and petrol generators indoors is increasing, yet this particular practice poses a serious threat to health and safety. If the oxygen depletion doesn’t kill you then the carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning most likely


5 Jul 2016

Godspeed, Travellers.

As an organisation we travel a lot – 66,430 travel days in one year! Some of us are a little naïve when we start – and there is room for our experienced travellers to become complacent. So before you travel – pause – and “Take 5” to think about


1 Jul 2016

A Good Year for GIO States

In support of continued improvement in workplace safety, GIO offers financial assistance for safety management projects to the SDA Church within WA, NT, ACT, NSW and Tasmania. We were pleased with the quality of applications for the 2015/16 financial year and happy to report that all of the funding


23 Mar 2016

Calendar Rulers are Back!

These six-year calendar rulers are a long-standing RMS tradition and are highly sought after. The good news is that they’re back and we’re ready to give them away! These nifty little tools are made of quality plastic with a 20cm ruler along one edge and an 8in ruler on


20 Mar 2016

The Big Picture

Most days at RMS we are up to our eyeballs in thousands of pages of insurance policy documents, work health and safety legislation or developing responses to emerging risk issues. When it’s like this it is easy to be consumed by the detail and forget the purpose. Lately, we


20 Mar 2016

The Best Defence

Ancient Chinese general, military strategist and author of The Art of War, Sun Tzu, is often attributed to this quote, “Invincibility is a matter of defence, vulnerability is a matter of attack”. Churches are commonly perceived as places of openness, refuge and safety in times of need. Lately, however,


20 Mar 2016

Serenity Now!

One of the things we’ve noticed over the years is the volume of detailed information and documentation that seems part and parcel of Work Health and Safety. It certainly overwhelms us, our research shows that it overwhelms you too, and that’s the last thing we want. Feeling like a


20 Mar 2016

Hello I.T.?

Technology is not something we can hide from, so part of our strategic plan is how we can use technology to improve our work so we can help you better. Now an integral part of our lives, technology, while frustrating at times can make processes a lot simpler and


20 Mar 2016

Finding Balance

There is a saying that is usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin that says “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. This saying dates back to 1789 and unfortunately both death and taxes are still certainties in our world today. I’d like to


20 Mar 2016

4 Things You Don’t Like About Us

You said some serious stuff about us, that’s okay, we’ll grow from it. Avondale Business School conducted research on our behalf, specifically regarding Work Health Safety (WHS) and what their findings show us is that we can do better in four key areas, but also we’re doing some things


6 Dec 2015

Do you need WHS templates?

Have you been wondering how you can get your hands on some WHS templates? Many of our Work Health and Safety (WHS) resources have only been available through our ‘Member Only’ area of this website. Thanks to your feedback we have developed four new template documents for WHS activities


2 Dec 2015

Risk Dollars. Work Smarter.

Launched in November the Risk and Safety Funding program is already helping Church organisations solve risk and safety problems. What is it? RMS is so deeply committed to helping Church organisations get their risk and safety in order that we’re putting our money where our mouths are. RMS is


2 Dec 2015

2 Things You Don’t Want to Know About Christmas

We know it comes around every year. Without fail. We’re across the shopping hassles, the parking dramas, the “whose-turn-is-it-to-host” politics… so what else is there we could possibly need to know about our favourite time of the year? Read on and store this info for some post-Christmas lunch small


22 Sep 2015

Standing is the New Black

In case you’ve been too busy beavering away at your work to notice, sit-to-stand desks are the cult office product du jour. Presented with the alarming results of research (conducted by Sanitarium’s Vitality Works) into the health and wellbeing of Adventist workers, the RMS team decided to take a


22 Sep 2015

One Simple Way to Lighten Your Insurance Load

Chuck stuff out. Don’t organize it. Don’t buy pretty boxes from Ikea. Don’t look at storage solutions on Pinterest. Just bin it. Chuck it. Throw it. Donate it. Discard it. Delete it. If you don’t really need it, you don’t have to keep it. Here’s how that relates to


22 Sep 2015

Cash Cover – Gone but not Forgotten

Back in June we told you that Cash in Safe and Cash in Transit cover would cease to exist as separate cover lines but would become part of contents cover. While the cover has been “moved” so to speak, there are still the same expectations as before about how


22 Sep 2015

Are You Ready for Anything?

Business Interruption or “BI” for short is the risk of interruption to business operations and can result from different scenarios including: Traditional property damage Cyber weaknesses or attacks Non-damage BI Supply chain Acts of Terrorism Environmental causes Product recall Marine transit We’re Hosting a Business Interruption Information Seminar.  


22 Sep 2015

8 Things You Need to Specify to be Covered.

Certain types of property cannot enjoy protection under either building or contents cover – these must be specified. Unlike moveable equipment there are a number of site improvements that aren’t considered building or contents. As an example, a shade sail is not easily moved but they can be damaged


19 Jun 2015

One small cover change that you need to know.

It’s official. As of July 1, 2015 Cash in Safe and Cash in Transit cover lines will no longer exist the way they used to. We brought the change to your attention a few months ago while the exact details were being refined. We are happy to share that


18 Jun 2015

Ken Marsh retires after 26 years

Pursuing his personal interests and passions is what Ken Marsh is looking forward to when he retires from his role as Senior Advisor – Safety Management next month. Ken started his career in 1967 with the Royal Australian Air Force as an engine fitter and “musterer” which saw him


15 Jun 2015

Jocelyn McMahon retires after 47 years.

A valued RMS team member since 2003, Jocelyn McMahon brought her special brand of warmth coupled with efficiency to the role of Workers Compensation Coordinator. The RMS team will miss her service with a smile and can-do approach to any problem. “What you give, you receive,” reflects Jocelyn when


15 Jun 2015

2 Steps to a Happy Renewal

All treasurers and CFO’s should have their church organisation’s property renewals on their to-do lists for May/June. For some entities, renewal time can be a little daunting but it need not be.   Here are 2 easy steps to a happy renewal: Step 1 – No Change. No Pain.


11 Jun 2015

One small step for travellers.

Our Short Term Travel Online Request form has a new field and it’s all about protecting you!   The form field is called “Email address of person at that organisation responsible for authorising your application & accepting the cost”. Ok, so we won’t be winning any literary awards for


11 Jun 2015

New Extra Risks Cover – Costs less, covers more.

Changes to Extra Risks cover will take effect from 1 July 2015. Several updates were made to the Extra Risks cover which will take effect from 1 July 2015. Here are the noteworthy highlights: 1. Broader coverage. The Type of Equipment that can be covered has been extended to


11 Jun 2015

Game of Drones

The use of drones may be beneficial to the Church work, but there are concerns which we should take seriously. A drone, as described by the Queensland Office of the Information Commissioner, is an “unmanned aerial vehicle, which can be outfitted with sophisticated camera surveillance equipment. UAVs are controlled


11 Jun 2015

4 Reasons Why Fire is not the End of the World

Seeing the blackened, charred remains of your beloved church or school might seem like Judgement Day has arrived, but trust us, while it is heartbreaking it’s not the end of the world either. Here are 4 reasons why… 1. You’re covered. But first, the bad news…property damaged by fire


10 Mar 2015

Welcome Back Linzi and Farewell Danelle

Almost 12-months ago (to the day), we said a temporary good-bye to Linzi as she and her husband, Brett expectantly awaited the arrival of their second child.  Later this month little James Aitken will celebrate his first birthday.  One year sure passes by quickly and we are excited to


10 Mar 2015

Using Church or School Property as Temporary Accommodation

During any calendar year RMS will receive a number of phone calls or emails from churches and schools asking if they can use their property as accommodation for an individual or a group (such as pathfinders). Perhaps unsurprisingly, the number of enquiries increased in the lead up to the


10 Mar 2015

These Chairs Are Made For Sitting…

Have you ever been tempted to stand on your office or classroom chair or desk to get something from the top cupboard?  Or maybe it was to hang some Christmas decorations or change a light bulb. Why are we tempted to stand on our chair or desk – or


10 Mar 2015

The Top 5 Property Loss Events by Value

We have previously brought you the Top 10 (Most Frequent) Property Losses Affecting Church Organisations which sparked a high level of interest from our InfoRMS readers. This time the events are arranged by the total financial cost, which tells an entirely different story. These figures encompass loss events from


10 Mar 2015

Goodbye Cash, Hello Property

From 1 July 2015 RMS is planning to discontinue the Cash in Safe and Cash in Transit cover lines.  We say “planning” because we are still working through some of the finer details and there is a chance that closing the lines may be delayed. Even though the 1


14 Dec 2014

Welcome Minerva Hermosilla-Garcia

We are privileged to introduce our new full-time Administrative Assistant, Minerva Hermosilla-Garcia. Originally from Spain, Minerva has previously worked for our sister organisation Adventist Risk Management in the UK for seven years. Some of you may recognise Minerva from her most recent position as a sales assistant at the


14 Dec 2014

Farewell Lorraine Atchia

It was a sombre mood in the RMS office with the recent departure of our friend and colleague Lorraine Atchia, who had been serving as our Administrative Assistant for the past two years.  Lorraine brought various skills with her which added value to RMS, the most obvious being her


13 Dec 2014

13 Points to Communicate When Renting Your Church Property

If your Church is considering renting their premises to another organisation or person, it’s important that you familiarise yourself with the best way to proceed. Hiring out a church’s facilities for various functions such as weddings, meetings, presentations etc. can bring in additional income to help the local church.


10 Dec 2014

Employee Relocation Update

December marks the commencement of moving season and with it comes the need to complete the Employee Relocation Request for Cover. Seventh-day Adventist Church employers can use Employee Relocation Cover to protect the household goods of their employees when they are relocated under denominational transfer within the territory of


10 Dec 2014

The Great Adventist Roadtrip – Camporee

What do you think about when you hear the phrase “Road Trip”? Is it a holiday, a movie, or something else? For me, it’s the 30+ times that I have driven across the famous yet barren Nullarbor Plain between Perth and Sydney.  “Why 30 times?” is usually the first


10 Dec 2014

A Beginner’s Guide to Church Cybercrime

It’s suggested that the most recent SONY hacking scandal will end up costing the organisation a whopping $100 million. Whilst the cyber liability of Churches isn’t expected to carry such large financial ramifications, there is still potential to cause a great deal of harm. Please don’t think that it


24 Sep 2014

The Top 10 Property Losses Affecting Church Organisations

Now is as good a time as ever for you to ‘spring clean’ your property risk management plan. To help highlight some potential risk factors, we have delved into the depths of the RMS records to bring you the ‘Top 10 property losses’ – the 10 most common property


24 Sep 2014

The Ebola Epidemic

The recent unfolding of the flu has left many Australians confined to their beds in an attempt to recover and restrict the illness from spreading to others.  Luckily for us, influenza has a relatively low impact and we know how to treat it. Unfortunately this is not the case


24 Sep 2014

Slips, Trips and Falls

Everyone knows that it can be very embarrassing to slip, trip or fall over but did you know that it is also one of the most common causes of injury? Injuries from slips, trips or falls can occur at any time; however we see more incidents occurring during times


17 Sep 2014

Do rental cars really go faster in every gear?

You might have heard someone jokingly claim that they do – suggesting that you don’t need to care for a rental car in the same way that you would care for your own car. But you need to be careful when you rent vehicles because the rental contract will


17 Sep 2014

Changes to the Short-Term Travel cover application process

On 1 September 2014 RMS made two important changes to the application process for Short-term Travel Cover (STT). The first change is that RMS will only accept and process applications for STT if the cost is being invoiced to a Seventh-day Adventist Church organisation through that organisation’s current account.


11 Jun 2014

Travel Insurance to protect your Pathfinders this Camporee

PATHFINDERS ON THE MOVE Key Message: Every person travelling from another country to Australia for the iThirst Pathfinder Camporee must have travel insurance before they commence their journey. Pathfinders is a fantastic ministry of our youth department and in January 2015 some 9,000 pathfinders are going to find their


11 Jun 2014

Surviving Flu Season

“Fever, chills, coughing, sore throat, runny and stuffy nose, aches and pains, headaches and fatigue, even nausea, vomiting and diahorrea.”   Welcome to the joys of the flu. Whilst not all of us will fall prey to the virus this year, it is important to know how to prevent


11 Jun 2014

Staying warm this winter

With the annual winter chill taking hold and more cooler months ahead, selecting the right form of heating becomes a priority. However with the myriad of different types and models to choose from, the efficiency and safe operation of each device needs to be considered – from portable electric


11 Jun 2014

Extra Risks Rate Reduction

Extra Risks Rate Reduction – Lower rates means more money for mission RMS is pleased to announce that the cost of Extra Risks cover is being reduced on 1 July 2014.  Cover for specific items will cost 6.6% less, while the cost of the blanket cover will be 5%
