Your Safety is Worth It

People like you…you’ve got something to give, and you do give.
You have families, friends, pets, some even have cats. You contribute something positive to the world either through your job, through volunteering, or simply making a meal for a new mum. You are loved and you love others. When it comes down to the bare bones of your job and my job, we are here because of love. Why do you do what you do? To provide for your families, to find fulfillment, to make the world a better place? Why are you reading this right now? You are reading this because you care and at its core, caring is the expression of love. “Hold on RMS…you guys are insurance people, not evangelists. What’s with all the love talk?”
True, protecting property is a key aspect of what we do, but by far the single most important reason why WE do what we do is because we want and need to protect PEOPLE. Property doesn’t change much and property can be replaced, but people, well they are irreplaceable.
Shane Webcke, one of Queensland’s favourite NRL football players, is the Safety Ambassador for WorkCover Queensland. In the 5 minute video below Shane shares his personal story and explains why safety at work is so dear to his heart. It is a really touching story and highlights why the safety of people and a strong safety culture needs to be one of the ways that the Church nurtures its people.