Why you should get checked, before you head back.

If I get sick or hurt while travelling, when should I see a doctor?
We get this question a lot, but often it’s asked too late. Here’s the deal: when you’re traveling, you might not want to admit you’re sick or injured because you don’t want to miss out on the fun. But ignoring it can be a big mistake.
Don’t Wait Until You Get Home!
If you need to make a claim under the medical benefits of your travel policy, you must see a doctor while you’re still abroad. It’s a policy requirement. Once you’re back home, travel cover ends, and your regular health insurance (like Medicare in Australia or your private health cover) takes over.
What If I’m in the Middle of Nowhere?
Good question. If the nearest medical care is far away, get checked out when you reach civilisation, even if it means a detour before your next destination. We recommend contacting the Emergency Assistance provider in your travel insurance policy – they can give you information to help you find the nearest medical facility. Better safe than sorry!
Key Takeaway: Make sure you ask the medical professional to give you a written statement about the treatment you have received.
Cover is NEVER automatic. Apply per trip or check your corporate travel status with your employer. Always read the terms and conditions in the policy summary and travel certificate that RMS provides. Safe travels!