We need to talk about trampoline parks.

Indoor trampoline centres are a popular activity that encourages physical recreation in a fun setting, however it comes with high risks.
Until the Australian government implements mandatory standards and a code of practice, this will leave park entrants exposed to injury at unsafe and poorly maintained trampoline centres.
Risk Management Service’s position is as follows:
1. Seek CFO approval: Before conducting any trampoline activity it is essential to get authorisation from the CFO of your Adventist governing entity– for example a School’s Company CFO. The reason being is that in the event of a loss or claim, the Adventist entity responsible for the trampoline activity must pay a significant excess. This will not be paid by Risk Management Service.
2. Code of Practice: Find a trampoline park that holds membership with the Australian Trampoline Park Association and operates in accordance with the voluntary Code of Practice.
3. Research the operator’s reputation: A thorough internet search will uncover whether or not the trampoline park operator has had any serious incidents or has a bad reputation in the community. Visit a potential park and observe their operation. Are participants getting away with “double-bouncing” or jumping recklessly? Are they being supervised by teens or adults? Is the site clean and well-maintained? What risk and safety controls are in place, and are they effective in your observation?
4. Inform, Communicate and Obtain Consent: Always inform participants of an activity’s hazards and risks. Ensure this is part of your organisation’s process for obtaining consent from participants or parents/guardians.
Talk to RMS: We are happy to take your call or email if you have any questions about the above information or trampoline parks as an activity.
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