Tell us what you really think!

It’s survey time again! Cut to the chase and click here to do our survey now.
Six years ago we asked you to tell us what you thought of our service. Your helpful responses contributed to our strategic plan for the 2015-2020 period. Here’s some of what you told us, and how we have changed how we work in response…
You said:
“We love site inspections and face-to-face conversations but we need training – the complexity of risk and safety is challenging.”
We responded by:
- Coordinating, hosting and participating in several training and professional development events each year and our information sessions – whether in person or via webinar – were well attended.
- Increasing the number of site visits per year from our risk controller, risk transfer and financing team, work health safety coordinator and the risk funding team.
You said:
“We want better communication that is less onerous and less detailed.”
We responded by:
- Changing our tone and delivering our regular newsletter, InfoRMS, in language that was easier to understand and less alarmist. We hate bad news as much as you do, so we’ve tried to keep things friendly and positive but, as you can appreciate, there are some issues that must be treated carefully.
You said:
“The RMS manuals are outdated, but we don’t actually want manuals. And we want to be able to get the info we need online.”
We responded by:
- Designing bite-size one-page resources for our most commonly asked about risk control issues.
- Making most of our resources downloadable PDFs available on this website. And if there’s something you can’t find here we’re only a phone call away!
You said:
“We struggle to progress risk and safety efforts because we don’t have enough time, money and there’s too much complexity! Not to mention the culture…”
We agreed, so:
- We recognised that the time and complexity issues were out of our circle of control but we could support your efforts with a boost of funds and so Risk and Safety Funding was born. To date we have co-funded over 120 risk and safety projects throughout Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.
- We talked about culture – a lot. We shared lots of news articles via InfoRMS here, here and also here. We themed one of our Safety and Risk Forums “Ideas That Change Culture” and invited renowned safety culture experts and thought leaders such as Dr Sidney Dekker, David Tattam and Michael Stoddart to speak to our leadership at a number of events. In our office we always talk about culture, and we talk about it to anyone who is interested. As a team, we endeavor to be the flagship department at SPD for the best culture!
As always, we are here for you and the Adventist Church organisation. So, in the interest of growth, and to aid our planning for the future, we want to ask for your feedback again!
This survey is mobile compatible, only 8 short questions and will take you only 2 minutes to complete.
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