Changes to Extra Risks

RMS has noticed that the price of laptops continues to fall, with replacement values of many models now being less than the $1250 per item limit applicable to the $5000 blanket cover. With some sites, particularly schools, having hundreds of laptop computers it became apparent quickly that we could not carry this risk for $100pa – being the current cost of a $5000 blanket cover. We hope that you will appreciate and understand the need for this change.
The change means that all laptops, netbooks and tablets must be listed on an Extra Risk Schedule to be covered for accidental damage (such as dropping) or theft when taken outside of a secure building or offsite. If this change means that you need to make adjustments to your certificates of cover we will be happy to receive your instructions to do so.
The updated Extra Risk Fact Sheet is available for download.
While discussing Extra Risks cover it would be prudent to remind you that laptops left unattended in motor-vehicles (other than in a locked boot) are not covered against theft or malicious damage (refer page 3 of the FactSheet). Laptop theft from motor-vehicles happens more often that you and us would like and often it is preventable with a little forward planning. This is an important message to distribute to your employees, students etc.