Andrew Mowbray joins RMS

Bringing a depth of experience and knowledge to the RMS team is Mr Andrew Mowbray, who is taking on the role of Senior Risk Officer – Risk Control.
Having worked in a variety of roles within Qantas, Andrew’s 25 years’ experience in Property, Security and Facilities Management offers valuable benefit to RMS and the wider Church. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Security), a Diploma of Facilities Management and an Advanced Diploma of Electrical Engineering.
I had the opportunity to interview Andrew, here are some of the highlights:
Tell me a little about yourself and what lights up your life.
I’m married to Keryn and we have two young daughters who light up our lives! We enjoy attending Parramatta SDA church. I started my working career as an electrician for Qantas and worked for them for 25 years in various roles.
What was your last role at Qantas?
After progressing over the years from electrician to security and maintenance, I ended up as facilities manager prior to finishing at Qantas. I was involved in risk and loss prevention as well as managing contractors and being responsible for key areas such as the Chairman’s Lounge, First and business class lounges and the facilities throughout the country.
It’s a big deal going from a high-paced, commercial airline to the quiet offices of the Adventist church. I’m curious to know what attracted you to the role here at RMS?
You know, it is not something I could have ever planned. It is not often that a role like this – that suits my experience and skills comes up and I think God just timed it. I can only say that it really was and is the Lord in control of this change in my life.
I can relate to that! …Tell me something that people might be surprised to know about you?
I have a fascination for anything fast. I love riding my motorbike. I have flown in the Concorde and ridden on the Maglift train in China. I love to travel and as an ex-Qantas employee I can enjoy staff travel for the next 25 years!
That is surprising! So can you give us any tips for getting an upgrade?
I wish I knew!
I was afraid you’d say that! Thanks for your time, Andrew. It’s been a pleasure.
With a strong customer focus and unique industry insight we are truly excited by what Andrew can bring to RMS in the role of Senior Risk Officer – Risk Control.
So if you need some help managing risk at your site, get in touch with Andrew.