Welcome Minerva Hermosilla-Garcia

We are privileged to introduce our new full-time Administrative Assistant, Minerva Hermosilla-Garcia.
Originally from Spain, Minerva has previously worked for our sister organisation Adventist Risk Management in the UK for seven years. Some of you may recognise Minerva from her most recent position as a sales assistant at the Adventist Book Centre in the SAN.
Minerva, her husband, and their three children responded to a call to ministry which saw them embark on the big move from the UK to Australia. Minerva’s husband, Jonathan, is currently the pastor of Wetherill Park and Cabramatta West Spanish Churches in Sydney, NSW.
Minerva has undergone intense training with Lorraine through November and has now officially taken over the reins. So next time you call the RMS office, listen out for the unique Spanish and UK accent that answers the phone.
We’re very grateful to have Minerva join the RMS team.