The Great Adventist Roadtrip – Camporee

What do you think about when you hear the phrase “Road Trip”?
Is it a holiday, a movie, or something else?
For me, it’s the 30+ times that I have driven across the famous yet barren Nullarbor Plain between Perth and Sydney. “Why 30 times?” is usually the first question people ask – well I guess it is just one of the ways students from Western Australia travelled to and from Avondale College at a time when airfares were so much more expensive than they are today (and petrol was much cheaper).
We met some interesting people on those trips, slept in some unusual places, ate a lot of fast food, ran out of petrol, changed flat tyres, fixed breakdowns and did our best to avoid hitting kangaroos, rabbits and even the odd camel. Great memories and a lifetime of stories.
Every year Pathfinders create life-long memories at Camporee and all of them – at some point – will travel by road to get there. We want them to arrive (and get back home) safely – and no doubt you do too.
There are many hazards on the road and there will always be risks for drivers and their passengers – but some careful planning, simple checks and driver awareness will likely make your trip safer and more enjoyable for everyone.
Our Safe Driving Checklist (also available as an interactive document) will help highlight some of the things you need to think about before setting off on your Road Trip to Camporee. The second page of the Checklist is a Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspection Form that you can use to ensure vehicles are in good working order and safe to use.
Please download these resources and share them with your Camporee Planning team, and your drivers and vehicle owners. Start working on them now so that your departure is not delayed due to last minute vehicle repairs or other travel safety considerations.
A little time and planning now might just make a big difference.
Safe Travels