RMS Helps Kanwal Church

Earlier this year, two of our RMS representatives enjoyed the warm hospitality of Kanwal Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Risk Officers Andrew Mowbray and Linzi Aitken met with Alister, Donna and Geoff who are the beautiful folk who have put their hearts and souls into Kanwal Church’s ‘Cornerstone Cafe’.
Every Wednesday Cornerstone Cafe and their volunteers offer meals and drinks and a chance to chat. It is a worthwhile outreach that connects the lonely and the vulnerable in the local area, in a safe place with good food and great company. They believe their effort is worth the blessing it brings to the local community, and we agree!
To support their efforts and ensure their outreach ministry continues, Kanwal Church members enlisted the help of RMS to inspect their ‘Cafe’ and identify any risk or safety issues. So far, RMS has facilitated a safety inspection of their kitchen and facilities, and we have provided funds toward the upgrade of key equipment which was identified as hazardous. In the meantime, Kanwal continues to work through their list of improvements to safeguard their ministry.
Does your Adventist church need help improving safety? Risk Management Service believes your ministry is worth the investment. To find out how we can partner with you through risk and safety funding, contact us today – we’re ready to help.
Photo credit: Linzi Aitken