Quad Bikes: Too Risky for Kids

A study funded by WorkCover NSW and the ACCC will recommend that children under the age of 16 not be permitted to ride quad bikes and that it be an offence to allow them to do so.
Some of our campgrounds and youth departments do operate quad bikes and in some instances children ride these as part of their activities.
There is clearly a recognised danger associated with these devices and under WHS legislation, Officers of Church entities that have quad bikes in their workplaces should be aware of the dangers. We advise Church Officers to take reasonable action to make sure the vehicles are properly maintained, suitable for the tasks they are used for, and that there is a proper level of instruction, training and supervision in their safe operation. Officers should be able to show that safe operating procedures are in place.
RMS’ Senior Safety Advisor, recommends that, “It would be a wise move for those that allow kids to ride quad bikes in a recreational setting to do their homework first.” If you would like to know more we invite you to contact us.
Meanwhile, we encourage you to share this information with relevant people within your organisation, including company officers.