Phil Hart retires after 49 years

This month we say goodbye to Senior Risk Officer, Phil Hart.
At the tender age of 15 Phil started working for Sanitarium at their Sydney retail store stacking shelves and within four years he was promoted to Shop Supervisor before shipping out for compulsory military service.
After 18 months he returned to his Supervisor role at Sanitarium and in 1976 he transferred to the Canberra store as senior sales supervisor where he stayed for over 10 years before a promotion to Assistant Retail Manager took him to Sanitarium in Auckland, New Zealand.
When the role of Senior Risk Officer – Risk Control came up in Australia, Phil jumped at the chance to serve the Church in a new way. Since 1988 Phil Hart has been a faithful servant of RMS, bringing warmth and genuine care and interest to the role and to our department. A great storyteller, Phil’s enthusiasm for putting risk control into practice is infectious. His knowledge and expertise is deeply appreciated and we will greatly miss his contribution to the service we provide.
Thank you Phil, it is sad to say goodbye but we know you will be enjoying a well-deserved holiday after 49 long years serving the Church with your heart and soul.
Please join us in wishing Phil all the best!
We’d love you to show your appreciation for Phil by sending a farewell message via the feedback form on the right hand side of this page. (Please send your message before July 15, 2013)