One small step for travellers.

Our Short Term Travel Online Request form has a new field and it’s all about protecting you!
The form field is called “Email address of person at that organisation responsible for authorising your application & accepting the cost”. Ok, so we won’t be winning any literary awards for brevity but we wanted to be really clear, here’s why…
This authorisation check protects the individual traveller. Our Short Term Travel cover is available to workers and volunteers travelling on church-related business. If it was found that the travel was not related to the church, or in other words, “unauthorised” then the individual may find their cover void, this is an important issue particularly in the event the traveller suffers a loss or injury. Being overseas without the protection of travel cover is not a great situation for anyone to be in and is not a gamble worth taking. That’s why each and every request for Short Term Travel cover now goes through an authorisation check – it is there to protect you and it’s here to stay.
As a further safeguard, the cost of travel cover will always be charged to the organisation responsible for your travel, and as such RMS cannot accept payment from individuals. So before you travel, and before you apply for travel cover, check who is paying for your travel cover and who is authorising or approving your trip and get their work email address!
Still not sure? Print out this Short Term Travel infographic. (PDF)