Major Milestone for Ministry Resilience

Launched in 2016, the RMS Risk and Safety Co-Funding program has now contributed over $2M towards risk and safety projects across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific – a milestone for ministry and mission resilience.
Adventist communities are often faced with multiple risk and safety challenges and budgets cannot always stretch to meet the cost to rectify these issues. The RMS Risk and Safety Co-Funding program offers a financial boost to get much needed risk and safety projects off the ground so that ministry and mission can be strengthened.
By accessing RMS co-funding, an Adventist church in North Queensland is now able to expand their ministry to welcome vulnerable members and visitors thanks to improved mobility access and an upgraded disability-friendly bathroom.
Local church member, Lina White, explained that the project has had a significant impact at their site. “The safety and accessibility of our church premises have been greatly improved and risks have been eliminated,” shared Mrs White.
The Risk and Safety Co-funding program has also supported ministry resilience for many Adventist schools throughout Australia. A small school in North NSW experienced an increase in their student numbers and a reduction in petty crime losses with the help of RMS co-funding to install a secure perimeter fence.
Manning Adventist Bush School enjoys the peace of mind of its security fence, co-funded by RMS.
RMS also assisted an Adventist campground in Southeast Queensland to become better prepared for bushfire season by co-funding onsite bushfire mitigation and firefighting equipment. Campground manager, Tim Hutton praised the RMS co-funding program, “We were able to achieve the result with less capital investment than expected, and we were able to expand the capabilities of the project thanks to the funding,” he said.
As a direct result of the co-funding support offered by Risk Management Service these projects and hundreds of others have succeeded in reducing hazards and improving safety, creating more resilient Adventist communities and protecting ministry efforts.
RMS Manager, Jonathan Hale, says that RMS champions initiatives that reduce the likelihood of loss or injury. “Losses impact ministry time and draw precious funds and resources away from mission,” he said. “Insurance alone is not enough to protect property and people, so our goal for the Risk and Safety Co-Funding program is to future-proof the Adventist Church’s good work.”
Adventist leaders that would like to improve ministry resilience can apply for funding throughout the year. Simply call or email RMS to be considered.