Last Christmas we gave you our funds.

It has been a year since we launched the Risk and Safety Funding initiative. What have we done with the money?
When we launched Risk and Safety Funding in November 2015, we knew that the old way of doing risk and safety was not cutting through, but what we could not predict was the positive reception we’ve had for the program thus far. Thank you all for your support!
RMS is delighted that we have helped fund, in part, 20 projects totaling just on $40,000AUD in the last twelve months. We say “in part” because one of the conditions of funding is that the requesting entity contribute some of their own funds toward the project. There is also over $150,000 worth of funding already approved for projects that will either commence soon or come to completion in the near future.
So what projects have benefited? There are too many to list here, so we’ll share a few of our favourites.
- The very first project to receive funds came from across the ditch, in New Zealand, where one of our schools had experienced a spate of thefts of their PA speakers. The speakers are part of the announcement and fire alarm system for the school and so we helped them determine a way to mitigate the risk of future theft and assisted with funding.
- Also in New Zealand we helped fund a Work Health Safety Management System Gap Analysis which was conducted to keep our employees, volunteers and visitors safe, and to ensure safety compliance around the new WHS laws in New Zealand.
- Schools in South Queensland Conference are currently in the swing of expert Emergency Management Planning and training thanks to a grant from our Risk and Safety Funding. The key benefit of this program is the consistency it will bring to the schools so that anywhere school employees work within SQLD, they will know the procedures and expectations in an emergency situation. We believe that a systemic and consistent approach often adds long-term value.
- A number of small, local churches have also received assistance to help with the purchase of equipment and devices such as security lighting and fire safety equipment.
We’re pleased to share that the availability of funding will continue this year. Download our Risk Dollars. Work Smarter. brochure to read all the details about what type of projects we’re looking to support. If you think you have something that addresses a risk and safety issue that could do with some help, please reach out to us.