Ken Marsh retires after 26 years

Pursuing his personal interests and passions is what Ken Marsh is looking forward to when he retires from his role as Senior Advisor – Safety Management next month.
Ken started his career in 1967 with the Royal Australian Air Force as an engine fitter and “musterer” which saw him serve at Williamtown base (near Newcastle) and Butterworth, Malaysia. Ken took on Church work in 1989 soon after Government legislation required organisations to report on and be accountable for safety issues. Back then Ken worked out of Victoria helping Church entities with compliance. In 1996 his role was moved to the South Pacific Division office in Wahroonga, NSW where he has been ever since.
As a keen student and avid researcher, Ken undertook several degrees and diplomas, including a Masters degree, to aid his understanding of compliance, work health and safety and assist the Church improve their safety compliance. “It has not been without it’s challenges,” states Ken, “but I can honestly say there has been change over the years for the better.” A career highlight for Ken is the Retropaid scheme for NSW which has brought about great improvement in safety management systems, as well as a team trip to Penang in 2007 for the ARM Conference.
“Getting my health back to what it was is a priority”, says Ken as he muses about how he will fill his time after July 15. And what of those personal interests, Ken? “I’m looking forward to researching Butterworth, volunteering with the RSL and taking little trips here and there,” he says with a wry smile, “I guess a ‘perk’ of being an ex-serviceman is free public transport!”
His departure will see RMS lose a valued team member whose knowledge is second to none but also we say good-bye to a good friend with a kind heart, fascinating stories and life experiences. Ken will be greatly missed and we wish him every blessing for his retirement.
Thank you, Ken for your years of service and the contribution you have made to RMS and the Church.