Does RMS Pay?

When feeling the sting of cost increases it is easy to question the ‘grudge purchase’ known as insurance. We may find ourselves asking, “Does it even pay to have cover?”
Since 1972, RMS and the Church’s insurers have been faithful to respond to loss events impacting the Adventist Church’s ministries and communities.
The RMS loss files, numbering the thousands, demonstrate time and again RMS faithfully working to restore Adventist communities after a loss event, thanks to property cover. Many of those events have been financially significant, costing millions of dollars to reinstate. Others less so, but nonetheless disruptive, distressing and ministry halting.
If your Adventist site has never been faced with a significant loss, it can be tempting to think that it could never happen. Below, we look at a few case studies of Adventist sites that had never suffered a major loss event prior to their ‘big one’. We show how RMS helped in a real and valuable way to rebuild, restore and recover these important places of ministry so they could get back to mission.
Hilliard Memorial School in Tonga had never encountered such violent damage to their school in any event prior to Cyclone Gita in 2018. The strength of the wind ripped metal roofs off buildings, throwing furniture and contents everywhere. Beulah College also felt the full force of the cyclone, along with several churches and staff houses.
RMS responded and by 2019 SDA schools in Tonga were restored to better immunity, even before local government schools started to rebuild.
Tamworth SDA Church had only minor claims before fire devastated the church in 2013. An electrical fault with a baptismal font resulted in over AUD$600,000 worth of damage.
RMS worked closely with the Church insurers and the Tamworth church to rebuild, restore and return the church back to ministry by 2015.
Similarly, Camp Logue Brook in Western Australia had sustained only a handful of petty losses before it was totally destroyed by the 2016 Waroona bushfire.
In 2020, proceeds from property cover helped finance the purchase of its replacement – Camp Mornington.
There are thousands more loss events we could name to demonstrate this fact: Your Adventist site’s annual contribution to property cover does not go to waste.
From 1974’s Cyclone Tracey to the River Murray Floods in 2022, RMS and the Church’s insurers have faithfully protected the Church’s financial risk after loss events to rebuild and restore ministry and mission. And we will continue to do so.
We thank you for your faithful contribution to property cover each and every year, it helps Adventist ministries get back to doing the good work they do in their communities.